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Cocaine-Gate: Investigative Reporter Details Hunter Biden’s History Of Drug Relapses



Paul Sperry, an investigative reporter with Real Clear Investigations, had a number of interesting observations about Hunter Biden’s drug abuse and relapse habit. Conservative circles tend to think that Hunter Biden had some degree of connection to a bag of cocaine being found in the White House given that history and Hunter visiting the White House a few days before the discovery of the illicit substance.  Some conservative outlets have, however, peddled other alternative theories of who did it. The Secret Service probe of the incident came up empty.

Mr. Sperry claimed that “Hunter Biden, whose addiction to coke started @ 18 when he was arrested for possession before getting kicked out of the Navy Reserve for testing (+) for coke, claims “the itch to use is gone.” Yet Hunter has relapsed 10 times. Here’s a chron of all his failed rehabs.”

The reporter then listed all alleged “failed rehab” visits by the president’s son. “Hunter Biden has checked into the follow[ing] rehab clinics: 2003: Crossroads Centre Antigua 2010: Crossroads 2014: Tijuana clinic 2015: Penn Presbyterian 2015: Philly center 2016: Esalen Institute 2016: Grace Grove 2017: Brentwood Center 2018: Boston center 2019: Maryland center,” wrote Sperry.

He then added “2016: Washington D.C. rehab clinic.”

woke bishop

One Twitter user commented that “As an ex-drug addict(35 years clean) let me tell you something if you don’t have the will to quit you never gonna quit. I grew a pair and cleaned myself with NO rehab or medicines, just grabbed my fishing pole and went fishing, after 1st week(the worst) the rest was a breeze.”

Rehabilitation centers are there to help those who cannot withdraw from their addiction in an unmonitored environment. Drug addiction after all is no easy habit for many to simply kick away. Hunter Biden has according to a 2020 article from the New York Post “six stints in rehab for alcoholism and addiction.” The same article also observed that in 2016 Hunter had a stint in Grace Grove Lifestyle Center rehab center but left there after only a week. More recently in 2022, Hunter Biden was reported to have lived across the street from a luxury rehab center.

The president’s son’s ability to permanently kick his drug habit has thus been thrown into question. Sperry further detailed the intimacy that Hunter had with one of his dealers. “Hunter Biden has used the same D.C. drug dealer — “Rhea,” aka Bicycles — for more than two decades to score coke and crack. In fact, several years ago she lived with him in D.C. for more than five months” reported Sperry.