Colorado Baker Suffers Devastating Blow After Liberals Target Him Again
Jack Phillips, the incredible cake creator at Masterpiece Cake Shop who took his refusal to make a cake for a gay wedding all the way to the Supreme Court and won, with the court ruling that he could do what he thought his Christian faith meant he needed to do and refuse to bake the gay wedding cake. That was, at the time, a large victory for religious victory and one of the few recent victories for Christianity, which has been under a prolonged assault from the woke left.
Unfortunately, the victory that should have been the end of Mr. Phillip’s troubles instead became a source of continuing trouble for him. And so woke activists have continued to harass him by demanding he produce cakes in support of issues that go against his religious beliefs. Such is the background of the current case bedeviling him, in which a transgender individual sued Mr. Phillips under Colorado’s “Anti-Discrimination” Act, demanding that he produce a pro-transgender cake. The summary of the case, describing the background of the dispute, said:
This dispute arises out of a customer’s effort to purchase a cake from a cake shop. The customer requested a custom pink cake with blue frosting. The shop indicated it could make the cake as requested. The customer then told the shop’s employees that the cake was intended to celebrate her birthday and her identity as a transgender woman. Upon learning this additional information, the shop refused to sell the cake to the customer.
The customer subsequently brought an action against the cake shop and one of its owners under the Colorado Anti Discrimination Act (CADA), asserting that she was illegally denied service based on her transgender status. The trial court ruled in favor of the customer and assessed a fine of $500.00 against the defendants, who now appeal.
So Mr. Phillips refused to bake a cake that celebrates an issue he thinks Christians shouldn’t celebrate, and the left went on the attack against him for it, with a woke Colorado court ruling against him for it.
Unfortunately for Mr. Phillips and Christians in Colorado, the Colorado Court of Appeals agreed with the woke lower court, ruling:
“We conclude that creating a pink cake with blue frosting is not inherently expressive and any message or symbolism it provides to an observer would not be attributed to the baker.”
Phillips’ lawyer, Jake Warner from the Christian legal group Alliance Defending Freedom, said “No one should be forced to express a message that violates their core beliefs.”
On the other side, John McHugh, a lawyer for the transgender who demanded a cake from Phillips, said in a statement that the ruling was “a victory not just for Ms. Scardina and the greater LGBT community, but for all Coloradans, who can take comfort that our laws apply equally to everyone.”
By: Will Tanner. Follow me on Twitter @Will_Tanner_1