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Former DA Kamala Harris Demands “Police Reform”, Soft on Crime Policies in Stunning Show of Hypocrisy



One of Vice President Kamala Harris’ first big, political jobs was as a DA in San Francisco, where she was known for her tough stance on minor crimes, as the New York Post reported, saying:

She also began prosecuting parents of habitually truant students, calling the issue of students skipping school “tantamount to a crime” — even amid criticism that the policy disproportionately targeted low-income people of color, the Los Angeles Times reported.

[…]”Harris also opposed a state initiative to soften minimum mandatory sentences — even though the criminal justice reform plan she rolled out while running for president called for their end.

[…]”That same year [2010], Harris opposed an initiative in the state to legalize marijuana, despite now supporting such legislation.”

During her tenure as attorney general, at least 1,560 people were thrown behind bars for marijuana-related offenses from 2011 to 2016, according to data from the Washington Free Beacon.

So, when in a position of power, Kamala was very tough on minor crimes, harassing parents of truant youths and threatening to lock them up, tossing pot smokers in jail, and stopping mandatory minimums from being softened.

All that’s fine, and indeed what most conservatives want as it keeps criminals off the street and the laws enforced, but it’s far from Kamala’s current, soft on crime “police reform” demands, demands that show her hypocrisy and willingness to bend with political winds for personal political gain.

woke bishop

She did so on CBS’ “Face the Nation”, saying:

Black Americans, Americans in general, should be demanding, and rightly, that we pass legislation that addresses these issues that you have mentioned. I was an author of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. I believe very strongly that we should have accountability in all systems, including in policing.

Continuing after the host noted that police reform has mostly stalled, Kamala said:

“You’re right. I mean, but, again, there is a connection between what we are — what we want to have happen and the power of Congress to actually make it happen, when it comes to changing the laws, when it comes to writing and then putting, in effect, laws that create accountability and greater fairness in our system, be it our criminal justice system, be it our health care delivery system, all of that.“

Harris also said on Face the Nation that getting America-bashing Brittany Griner out of a Russian jail for drug smuggling is one of the White House’s top priorities. In her words:

President and I and Jake Sullivan and others have been in touch with Cherelle Griner, Brittany Griner’s wife, to do what we can to lend support.

“I can’t talk to you about the details, what’s happening behind the scenes, but I can tell you that it is one of our highest priorities to bring these Americans home.”

That’s despite the fact that Harris locked up people for crimes less severe than the drug smuggling charge Griner has pleaded guilty to, further showing her hypocrisy.

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