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Hollywood Star Discusses Ditching Greasy Gavin’s California



Hollywood star James Van Der Beek is feeling no regrets after relocating his family to Texas to escape the hellish city of Los Angeles, one overrun with drugs, crime, and homeless people while breaking under the burden of leftist policies.

Mr. Van Der Beek, known for his roles in things like Dawson’s Creek and Varsity Blues, spoke to People about his leaving LA for Texas and the impact that the move has had on his family. Speaking about it, he said:

I know for me, it’s been really centering and I feel like for the kids, it’s been grounding, and a different kind of education that we never could have offered them in a classroom.

Just the things that we’re all aware of, like what phase the moon is in because we come out, we look at it. I feel like we have a relationship with these natural cycles that are happening.

Rain in L.A., it was like, ‘Ah, man I’m gonna be 20 minutes late because it’s raining.’ Here, it’s a godsend.

He also added that his family has gotten closer since the move and started doing more family activities together, such as cooking together and having “a blast” doing so.

One of the things after moving out to Texas that we lost completely was any kind of food delivery service. So, we started cooking a lot more, and the kids are really getting into it.

free hat

When you recognize that ingredients are not just something you dump the whole thing into, you actually have to measure, and there’s a reason for that, it’s great. We have a blast.

And while Mr. Van Der Beek might be the latest Californian to ditch somewhere like LA for a red state like Texas in a high profile way recently, he’s far from the only one. Many Hollywood stars and massive businesses have moved away from California in recent years.

It’s not hard to understand why, as life in California has gotten utterly unliveable for many, though residents of the better red states don’t want Californians showing up and turning the red state paradises into hellholes like the blue states they escaped from.

Comedian Rob Schneider released a strongly worded tweet on November 7th of this year that echoed that sentiment. In it, he said:

Dear Former California Residents, YOU moved out of California for a reason; crime, out of control homeyness, takes, your children being indoctrinated in schools, individual rights being trampled etc! So please don’t vote the same way to replicate the same shit you just left!

Scheider knows a thing or two about leaving Greasy Gavin Newsome’s California for greener pastures after he left for Arizona.

Hopefully, his fellow former Californians will heed his warning as they begin their new lives.

So the California exodus continues as Greasy Gavin’s state gets worse and worse and red states like Florida and Texas look better and better.

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