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John Fetterman Hilariously Dresses Up for Visit With Biden, Social Media Goes Bananas



It’s been said for generations that if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Normally I would adhere to that old axiom, but it’s 2022 and the left has made saying not-so-nice things a cottage industry, so perhaps it is ok to deviate from tradition.

Recently John Fetterman, the mentally impaired Senate candidate from Pennsylvania, and perhaps the last hope for the Democrats to hold the Senate had a scheduled visit from old Joe Biden. Normally this would not be particularly noteworthy, except for the fact that most midterm candidates are avoiding Biden visits like the monkey pox. Fetterman however, needing all the help (or not) that he can get in his battle with Mahmet Oz, decided to get all gussied up and meet with Biden in hopes of boosting his ever-decreasing lead. It didn’t go well. Normally Fetterman dresses like a high school janitor, wearing hoodies and cargo shorts. For his visit with Joe, he decided to go to Men’s Wearhouse and get a suit. The results were part disastrous, part hysterical. Check this out.

John Fetterman, the mentally impaired stroke victim and Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, wore a suit on Thursday. He looked very bad, according to the results of a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

Fetterman, who typically wears an oversized hoodie and cargo shorts, decided to dress up because President Joe Biden was in town to raise money and talk incoherently about infrastructure.

We still don’t know if Fetterman, who requires closed captioning to understand basic conversations, has the ability to dress himself. The awkward suit suggests he does not. He certainly doesn’t look like a U.S. senator.

Is this mean? Yes. Is it inaccurate? Absolutely not. Fetterman barely is able to form sentences, no less have a debate or carry on a conversation. While the left might admire those traits in a president, the state of Pennsylvania is increasingly growing concerned by his inability to articulate simple thought, no less make laws.

woke bishop

What does this have to do with his apparel? Perhaps nothing. or perhaps his fashion choices are indicative of his mental state and his inability to make rational decisions.  Fetterman didn’t so much wear a suit as the suit wore him, and it’s a fair question to wonder if he can dress himself outside of a hoodie and shorts.

Perhaps that is cruel, but if he is going to hold public office and make laws, he needs to possess these abilities. Naturally, social media wasn’t kind.

“Fetterman in a suit looks like he’s his own bodyguard.”

 “OH LOOK! Johnny Fetterman’s mommy and daddy bought him a NEW SUIT!”

•”How many Little Rascals does Fetterman have inside that suit?”

 “People are calling @JohnFetterman ‘Uncle Fester,’ which is just ridiculous. Fester could talk.”

•”Wearing a suitFetterman looks like a guy who was sure he was going to be a lottery pick in the NBA Draft, but didn’t get selected.”

 “John Fetterman is in such bad shape that they didn’t even let him speak at the event with noted dementia patient Joe Biden.”

Ouch! Fetterman got savaged publicly, but it’s a fair criticism. While his facial expressions and demeanor are reminiscent of Karl Childers of Sling Blade fame, his permanently resting “Sling Blade” face doesn’t suggest he is capable of being a United Staes Senator. The left is insisting on running this stroke impaired man out to battle a brain surgeon in Dr Mahmet Oz. The fact that the race is even close is startling, almost as much as John Fetterman’s declining mental state and fashion choices.