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John Fetterman’s Team Gives Major Update From The Hospital



Senator John Fetterman was hospitalized during the Democratic Party retreat. Apparently, he felt lightheaded and had to go to the hospital because of that lightheadedness.

At the time he was hospitalized, his office gave a brief statement on what happened and what was going on with the senator, saying: “Towards the end of the Senate Democratic retreat today, Senator John Fetterman began feeling lightheaded. He left and called his staff, who picked him up and drove him to The George Washington University Hospital. Initial tests did not show evidence of a new stroke, but doctors are running more tests and John is remaining overnight for observation.”

Despite the Senator’s hospital visit ostensibly being caused by simple lightheadedness, which one would expect to not require a lengthy hospital stay, he has remained hospitalized. His office announced as much in a second statement. In that statement, his communications director, Joe Calvello, said:

“The results of the MRI, along with the results of all of the other tests the doctors ran, rule out a new stroke.”

“He is being monitored with an EEG for signs of seizure – so far there are no signs of seizure, but he is still being monitored.”

However, according to the NY Times, Fetterman’s condition is so bad that sometimes people around him start sounding like the teachers from the cartoon “Peanuts”:

The most evident disability is a neurological condition that impairs his hearing. Mr. Fetterman suffers from auditory processing issues, forcing him to rely primarily on a tablet to transcribe what is being said to him. The hearing issues are inconsistent; they often get worse when he is in a stressful or unfamiliar situation. When it’s bad, Mr. Fetterman has described it as trying to make out the muffled voice of the teacher in the “Peanuts” cartoon, whose words could never be deciphered.

Senator Fetterman’s hospital stay and health are important because of the stroke he suffered in June of 2022 while on the campaign trail. Much speculation has surrounded his health since then, though his doctor did release a statement saying he should be able to “serve in the U.S. Senate without a problem.” saidIn that letter, the doctor :

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“The prognosis I can give for John’s heart is this: If he takes his medications, eats healthy and exercises, he’ll be fine. If he does what I’ve told him, and I do believe that he is taking his recovery and his health very seriously this time, he should be able to campaign and serve in the U.S. Senate without a problem.”

Despite that letter, Senator Fetterman’s health has been suspect enough that even the Washington Post Editorial Board attacked Fetterman in a September 2022 op-ed, saying:

“Since returning to the campaign trail, Mr. Fetterman has been halting in his performances. He stammers, appears confused and keeps his remarks short. He’s held no news conferences. Mr. Fetterman acknowledges his difficulties with auditory processing, which make it hard for him to respond quickly to what he’s hearing. He receives speech therapy — and we wish him a speedy, full recovery — but the lingering, unanswered questions about his health, underscored by his hesitation to debate, are unsettling.”

This latest medical event would appear to be yet another case of his campaign not being forthright about his health, as he has remained hospitalized despite the simple “lightheadedness” that was the ostensible reason for his visit.

By: Will Tanner. Follow me on Twitter @Will_Tanner_1