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“Just Another Day in the Biden White House”: WATCH Biden Spokesman Side with Red China on Issue of Taiwan Independence



John Kirby used to work for the Pentagon as its spokesman, so you’d be forgiven for thinking that he would side with the free world over one of the more notorious and vicious communist regimes, one that has killed tens of millions of people since its civil war victory in 1948 and still maintains concentration camps in which it tortures dissidents and wages a campaign of genocide.

You’d be incorrect in that assumption, however, as Kirby recently sided against Taiwanese independence and with Red China as rumors of Pelosi preparing to visit Taiwan swirl, saying that the Biden regime stands against Taiwanese independence.

Speaking on that during the August 1st press briefing, Kirby said:

The Speaker has the right to visit Taiwan and a Speaker of the House has visited Taiwan before without incident, as have many members of Congress including this year. Nothing has changed about our ‘one China policy,’ which is, of course, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three joint US-PRC communiques [and] the six assurances.

“We have said that we do not support Taiwan independence and we have said that we expect cross-strait differences to be resolved by peaceful means. “Put simply, there is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit consistent with long-standing US policy into some sort of crisis or conflict or use it as a pretext to increase aggressive military activity in or around the Taiwan Strait.

Watch Kirby here:

woke bishop

Unfortunately, Milley isn’t the only sickeningly soft on China official in the Biden White House.

General Mark Milley might be even worse, as he’s the one who went behind Trump’s back during the Trump presidency and pledged to give that enemy nation warning if Trump were to order an attack, saying:

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay. We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.”

“General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”

He also apologized to Red China for how the American system of government works, saying

We are 100 percent steady. Everything’s fine. But democracy can be sloppy sometimes.

Bizarrely, that exposed traitor that sided with Red China over the Commander-in-Chief is still employed by the Biden Administration.

Fortunately for America, many Republicans and a few Democrats, such as Nancy Pelosi, are taking a tougher line with China and refusing to act in such a craven, cowardly manner as Kirby and Milley.

If Nancy Pelosi does visit the Republic of China, it would be a huge step forward for the country in moving it back into integration in the world and out of Beijing’s shadow after years of the US and other free nations courting Red China and ignoring it.

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