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‘NOT Your Kids’: Elon Musk Slams Biden Administration Over Pride Agenda Aimed At Kids



Twitter CEO Elon Musk issued a terse reply to the Biden Administration’s Pride Month initiatives aimed at  LGBTQ+ children. The initiatives, which included efforts to expand the LGBTQ+ community, drew a pointed response from Musk, who took to Twitter to express his views.

On June 12, the White House tweeted in support of the LGBTQI+ community, stating, “To the LGBTQI+ Community – the Biden-Harris Administration has your back.”

The next day, Musk retorted with an impactful statement: “You are the government. They are NOT your kids.”

Musk’s tweet, which has garnered millions of views and hundreds of thousands of interactions, has sparked a broad debate online. He encapsulates the perspective of many- that the government is overstepping its bounds in terms of its role in the lives of children.

Musk has chimed in on this issue before. Back in April the Twitter CEO replied to an open question posed by online commentator Matt Wallace, reading, “Should permanent gender surgeries for little kids be banned immediately?”

“Absolutely,” Musk emphatically wrote.