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Old Biden Rages on His Lawn, Shakes Fist at Technology, Elon Musk



It’s an age-old trope. People of a certain age and era are afraid of change and technology. Ever heard a 20-something say “ok Boomer”? What he or she or they or whatever is saying is, ‘ok old person, you are too old to understand.’ Usually this is just a misguided attempt by a generation of knuckleheaded whippersnappers at de-valuing a person with experience in life.

In the case of Joe Biden lamenting Elon Musk and his purchase of Twitter, “ok Boomer”. Biden was standing on his proverbial lawn shaking his fist recently in Chicago at a fundraiser. The unfortunate recipients of the fundraiser not only got the 8 dollars Biden managed to raise, but also a belly full of senior moments. Check this out.

President Joe Biden on Friday signaled his frustration that billionaire Elon Musk had purchased Twitter.

“Now what are we all worried about: Elon Musk goes out and buys an outfit that sends – that spews lies all across the world,” he said.

To be fair, Biden should know about spewing lies. His White House has done nothing but lie, redefine words, and run misdirection for his first two years. Are we in a recession? Is inflation bad? Are Republicans a threat to democracy? Ask Joe, he will lie to you!

The president commented on Musk’s purchase of the social media platform during a fundraiser in Chicago.

woke bishop

“There’s no editors anymore in America,” he added, revisiting a theme he has complained about during this election cycle. “How do we expect kids to be able to understand what is at stake?”

By editors, Biden of course means content moderators designed and tasked with making sure the public only gets ideas and information that support certain narratives like Covid, Jan 6, Roe V Wade, and the idea that all Conservatives are boogeymen. That has been social media for the last 5 plus years, and with Musk and his rescue of the “artist formerly known as Twitter”, Biden is shaking in his urine-soaked britches about the prospect of people actually getting both sides of the story! The nerve!

“The ability of newspapers to have much impact is de minimis,” he said at a fundraiser with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, using a Latin phrase that means “lacking significance or importance.”

“They’ve been overtaken by the Internet,” he said lamenting the rise of new media.

“Look what’s happened now. Everything is changing because technology has changed,” he said. “There are no editors anymore. There are no editors anymore.”

In all fairness Biden should be able to use Latin phrases. That was probably his first language. I’m sure Joe just thinks this internet thing is a fad, like the Civil Rights Movement, the horseless carriage and women’s rights, but sorry Joe, a free Twitter is your worst nightmare.

“How do people know the truth?” he asked. “What do they — how do they make — make a distinction between fact and fiction? There’s so much — so much going on. And we’re in the middle of this.”

The irony is palpable here. The Democrat President, so adept at spewing lies and misinformation, and old enough that technology scares him is railing against technology and lies and misinformation. It certainly should make for a tense Thanksgiving Day table in the Biden household this year. Hunter will be snorting the marshmallows off of the sweet potatoes, Nancy Pelosi will be stealing all of the cranberries for her vodka, and Joe will be lamenting how things used to be. All without a turkey considering the shortage of them. Good times at the White House!