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REPORT: Obama Warned Biden That Trump Remains Politically Strong Heading Into 2024



Former President Barrack Obama was seemingly worried about former President Trump’s 2024 prospects during a private meeting with President Biden, according to a report from the Washington Post. Obama reportedly told his former vice president that Trump cannot be underestimated and has several political strengths heading into the 2024 election.

During a lunch meeting in late June, Obama promised to do all he could to help the president get reelected, two anonymous sources familiar with the meeting told the Washington Post.

The meeting was described by Biden aides as a “routine catch-up,” though Obama did warn his longtime ally that Trump is a more formidable opponent than given credit for.  Obama warned of Trump’s “intensely loyal following,” a “Trump-friendly conservative media ecosystem” and the overall polarization of the country.

Eric Schultz, a senior adviser to Obama, declined to comment on the White House lunch.  “We place a huge emphasis on finding creative ways to reach new audiences, especially tools that can be directly tied to voter mobilization or volunteer activations,” Schultz said in a statement. “We are deliberate in picking our moments because our objective is to move the needle.”

Both sources claimed that the meeting was routine, adding that Obama stressed he was not questioning Biden’s political viability.

To that end, Biden was reportedly “relieved” to be able to count on support from his former boss, who remains very popular among Democrats. Obama held multiple rallies and fundraisers in key swing states in the months leading up to the 2024 election, something he has vowed to do again.

While President Biden is largely expected to secure the nomination, a number of potential challengers continue to gain traction among registered Democrats. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has secured the most support to date, routinely polling around 10-15 percent. Other challengers — including Dr. Cornel West and Marianne Williamson — continue to sap support away from Biden as well.

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West’s candidacy in particular — who is seeking the Green Party nomination — has spooked Democrat strategists and pundits due to his ability to draw voters who are dissatisfied with the establishment.