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Reagan’s Son Exposes Biden, Claims he Would Purposely Leak Covert Info



In the past couple weeks, Biden has been slammed by his document scandal.

Since then the FBI has found more and more classified documents in Biden’s possession, and many are wondering how deep this controversy really goes.

Michael Reagan, son of President Ronald Reagan, has disclosed that while Joe Biden was a senator during Reagan’s presidency, he had warned Reagan that he would reveal any secret information that Reagan had planned.

Michael Raegan tweeted out: “After my father was out of office he shared with me that Sen Joe Biden confronted him and told him if he disagreed with my father on a Covert action he had planned he would leak it to the media to stop it.”



woke bishop

The family’s distaste for Biden runs all the way back to Michael’s father, President Ronald Raegan. The president wrote in his diary “there was some talk about Sen. Biden, now candidate for President. I saw him on CNN last night speaking to the John F. Kennedy school at Harvard University. He’s smooth but pure demagogue – out to save America from the Reagan doctrine.”

President Reagan during the summer of 1987, gave one of the most iconic speeches of his presidency, in which he discussed the Berlin Wall and urged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” His presidency is fondly remembered by many and credit President Raegan for his leadership capabilities during the Cold War era.

Biden strongly opposed Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, also known as “Star Wars”, which aimed to create a space-based missile defense program to protect the country from a major nuclear attack. According to the State Department, Reagan knew that the goal of US defense research should be to eliminate the need for nuclear weapons, which he considered fundamentally immoral.

Biden also strongly criticized the funding of the “Star Wars”, stating that “The president’s continued adherence to [SDI/Star Wars] constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft.”

In 1987, Biden was the chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Reagan nominated Robert Bork, a conservative jurist, to the Supreme Court. Biden’s handling of Bork’s nomination was considered to be particularly partisan and harsh.

This lead to The Washington Post even writing that Biden’s “swinging reflexively to the other side of the question at the first hint of pressure, claiming the leadership of the opposition, doesn’t do a whole lot for the senator’s claim to be fit for higher office.” The Post added that Biden had “already cast himself in the role of the prosecutor instead of a juror …”