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This Democratic Senator’s Response To Google Suppressing Crisis Pregnancy Centers Is Infuriating



Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia is absolutely thrilled about being able to apply a significant amount of pressure to tech giant Google to suppress search results for crisis pregnancy centers.

There’s just no way to quantify the full weight of evil and wickedness that lies in the heart of a man who is excited about denying women information they could use to get help when they find themselves pregnant and hopeless, leaving them thinking the only option is to murder the child in their womb.

It’s sickness of soul and mind. If I’m being totally blunt, it’s downright satanic.

If you really don’t think there are unnatural forces at work behind the curtains for this kind of thing, your head is either buried neck deep in the sand or shoved up a warm, moist body cavity.

According to The Daily Wire:

The technology conglomerate recently announced that Google Maps will only produce options for abortion clinics when users search for abortion-related services. However, crisis pregnancy centers — nonprofits that offer financial and medical assistance to mothers attempting to keep their babies — will no longer appear in queries regarding abortion.

“Back in June @RepSlotkin and I wrote to @Google urging them to improve their search results and prevent users that search for abortion clinics and services from being misled. Today I received a response from Google and am happy to report that they’re taking action,” Warner stated in a tweet.

“Soon, those who search for ‘abortion clinics near me’ will only see facilities that have been verified to provide abortions in the local search box on Google, meaning that far fewer women will be mistakenly led to ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ that often provide misinformation,” he continued. “Additionally, as our letter requested, Google says results for searches such as ‘abortion clinics’ will ‘be clearly labeled as to whether the facility provides abortions.’”

woke bishop

The lawmaker nevertheless insisted that the new policy is “about returning search results that accurately address a user’s query and giving users information that is relevant to their searches” rather than “silencing voices or restricting speech.”

This is disgusting on every level. Children are being sacrificed on the altar of convenience every single day, dedicated to a god of self whose standards of right and wrong are arbitrary, based solely on what behavior at any given moment can produce the maximum pleasure, consequences be damned.

Earlier in the week, Yelp started to place a consumer notice on crisis pregnancy centers with the intent of informing its users that these facilities, “provide limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals onsite.”

Not long after the Supreme Court revealed its decision to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which then returned the regulation of abortion back to individual states, both Google and Yelp were among the first companies to announce they would provide their workers with extra benefits to help cover the cost of traveling to a different state in order to procure an abortion.

Sen. Warner is actually one of several Democratic Party officials who started floating around the possibility of censoring crisis pregnancy centers. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, found herself getting slammed recently after trying to make an argument that policymakers should “shut them down all around the country,” referring to the centers.

“In Massachusetts right now, those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber true abortion clinics by three-to-one,” Warren went on to say. “You should not be able to torture a pregnant person like that.”

So, again, we have the radical left participating in some rather nefarious deeds to help promote the murder of pre-born children, their favorite form of human sacrifice, in order to continue the mission started by Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood so many years ago.

Keep the masses dumb, hooked on pleasure like some kind of drug, offering them ways to enjoy it without any sort of consequences, convincing them its their right to do whatever they want to be happy, trusting the government to take care of all the hard stuff for them.

Meanwhile, as they are indulging in these reckless behaviors, they are being enslaved to the system. It’s tragic and horrifying at the same time.