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“This Guy Is Completely Senile”: Biden Skewered Over Recent Gaffe



During the Pennsylvania Democratic Pary Reception, President Joe Biden made yet another embarrassing gaffe, accidentally saying that there are 54 states. In his words:

And, by the way, if they do, that means — not a joke, everybody; that’s why we defeated it in 2018 when they tried to do it. We went to 54 states. The reason is people didn’t realize that the only reason anybody who has a pre-existing condition can get healthcare is because of that Affordable Care Act. (Applause.) Tens of millions.

One wonders what other states Biden went to. Perhaps Puerto Rico, DC, and the basement of his Deleware home are three extras, particularly the basement he spent so much of his campaign in, though what the fourth “state” possibly could be is unclear. (That’s a joke, fact-checkers, he was likely referring to the four US territories).

That comment came as Biden was wringing his hands and clutching his pearls over what the GOP will do if they retake power, saying:

And, of course, they’re going try for their 499th time, or whatever the number is — they’re still determined to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.

[…]Folks, these protections will be gone as well if Republicans get their way.

Tax credits for lower energy bills — gone. Corporate minimum tax of 15 percent I signed into law — gone.

woke bishop

Under the Republican plan, many of the biggest corporations are going to go back to paying zero, like they did in 2015 — I mean 2020.

[…]That’s their plan, among other things. It’s reckless. It’s irresponsible. It will make inflation much worse and badly hurt working- and middle-class Americans.

But that’s not all. And this is the part that’s hard to believe, but check it out. Go online and just read it: They’re coming after Social Security and Medicare.

[..]They put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block every five years. That means every five years Congress is going to have to vote de novo to cut, reduce, or completely eliminate Social Security, or keep it exactly how it is.

Though Biden’s ridiculous claims about Republicans being the problem when it comes to inflation and being the ones hurting the middle class were the more objectionable part of Biden’s speak, GOP figures tended to focus on the 54 states gaffe.

Rep. Lauren Boebert, for instance, tweeted:

Joe Biden now says there are 54 states.

I guess if you count the states of denial, confusion, delusion and disaster that his Regime has caused he just might be on to something

Similarly, conservative comedian Rob Schneider made fun of Biden, saying:

Biden says there are 54 states in America. Next speech he will explain the 81 million votes…

Ryan Fournier joined in the Biden bashing, saying:

Joe Biden apparently thinks that there are 54 states.

This guy is completely senile.

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