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WATCH: Byron Donalds Reads Hunter Biden’s Shocking Texts Exposing Family’s Sketchy Dealings



During Thursday’s impeachment inquiry hearing, Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) pulled back the curtain on a series of text messages shared between Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family. The communications hint at a veil of questionable business dealings aimed at safeguarding President Joe Biden.

The hearing kicked off with a text exchange between Jim Biden and Hunter Biden. Donalds read aloud, “In this text message it clearly says, ‘Anyway, we can talk later, but you’ve been drawn into something purely for the purpose of protecting dad.’”

The scrutiny didn’t end there. A subsequent text between Hunter and Naomi Biden was brought to light. Donalds elaborated on the text where Hunter laments about financially supporting the family for 30 years.

Hunter had stated, “I hope you all do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry. Unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”


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Joe Biden has consistently rejected accusations of his engagement in foreign business transactions alongside his son, who is persistently in discussions with federal prosecutors concerning charges of illicitly hiding earnings derived from those dealings.

Meanwhile, House Republicans argue that the president’s previous claims, especially outright rejections of Hunter profiting from foreign entities including China, place him in a precarious position.

A crescendo of skepticism reached a pivotal moment Thursday morning when House Oversight Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) inaugurated the House’s impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

With a fervent opening monologue, Jordan delineated what he coined as the “four facts” substantiating the scrutiny surrounding the president.

“Politician takes action that makes money for his family, and then he tries to conceal it… Hunter Biden gets put on the board of Burisma, gets paid a lot of money. Hunter Biden’s not qualified,” Jordan explained.

“Fact number two, to sit on the board. Not my word, his words. He said he got on the board because of the brand, because of the name,” he continued, an admission outlined in emails between Hunter and business partner Devon Archer where they discussed how to use the “brand,” or connection to then-Vice President Biden, to help company executives relieve “pressure” being exerted by a local prosecutor investigating Burisma for corruption.

Jordan and House Judiciary Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) have released emails detailing how Hunter collaborated with members of his father’s vice presidential office to explain his father’s involvement in the Burisma entanglement. This, he said, is the third strike against the president.

“Fact number four: Joe Biden goes to Ukraine on December 9th, 2015 where he gives this speech attacking the prosecutor that starts the process of getting that guy fired,” concluded Jordan, a reference to former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin who has since gone public with claims that Biden, as vice president, threatened to withhold economic aid to his country unless Shokin was removed from office.

Those facts are “consistent,” Jordan added, with statements made by confidential sources who spoke with the FBI alleging President Biden accepted a bribe in exchange for helping to remove Shokin. Former agents with the Bureau have also testified that they were under tremendous political pressure while investigating the lead, fearing for their families while being transferred to dead-end roles or suddenly winding up without a paycheck.

Rep. Comer added that the results of his investigation show that “for years, President Biden has lied to the American people about his knowledge of and participation in his family’s corrupt business schemes.”