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WATCH: Jen Psaki Panics Over ‘Damage’ Hunter Biden Is Doing To Democrats



Jen Psaki, the MSNBC host and former top aide to President Joe Biden, is scorching Hunter Biden for imperiling his father’s hopes for a second term and the candidacies of Democrats up and down the ballot next year.

Speaking with a roundtable, the former White House press secretary reacted to Hunter Biden’s decision last week to blow off a congressional subpoena demanding he testify on his history of overseas business deals and the ways in which they financially benefited other members of the family. Instead, Hunter held a press conference where he lambasted Republicans for publicly posting naked photos gleaned from his laptop and using the specter of his prosecution as a way to tear down President Biden.

“Look, I think if you’re sitting in the White House right now, you’re like ‘Please, Hunter Biden, we know your dad loves you. Please stop talking in public,'” Psaki said, slamming her hand on the table for emphasis. “This is not helpful for any of them to be out there.”

“At the same time, the president loves his son, that takes precedent over anything else… He loves his son, he loves his family. He’s worried about his mental health, but yes, the White House would probably like for him to probably go away right now,” she added.


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Psaki referenced a recent focus group where voters expressed positive emotion about President Biden’s steadfast love for his son, though his image as a fatherly figure has run headfirst into a wall of bank documents tying him to members of his family who profited off of his time in office. House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY) has previously released records detailing a network of shell companies that funneled millions of dollars earned by Hunter Biden to other members of the family. James Biden, the president’s brother, and his wife Sara gained more than $100,000 from the transactions and forwarded $40,000 to Biden himself, marking the transfer as a “loan repayment.”

As his criminal trials on tax evasion and gun charges have progressed, Hunter has taken increasingly aggressive stances that are causing headaches at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He demanded a subpoena for former President Donald Trump and wrote an op-ed accusing Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon of slandering him. The seemingly daily controversies are weighing on President Biden who now frequently sends Hunter messages of concern and lashes out at aides when they suggest he distance himself from his son’s legal entanglements.

Legal experts say that Hunter Biden could spend years behind bars if convicted of avoiding paying millions of dollars in back taxes, even years after gaining sobriety, a key defense he has wielded in court.