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WATCH: Joe Biden Defends Classified Documents In Garage By Claiming His Corvette Is Also There



Joe Biden’s administration is currently falling apart at the very seams as more and more revelations come out about his misuse of classified documents…

The current President has been busted not once but TWICE for mishandling classified documents and his latest excuse for it is absolutely pathetic.

Biden’s first pile of classified materials was found at a Biden think tank which has since been linked to Hunter Biden and Ukraine. His second batch was recently confirmed by his special counsel to be found in his personal residence of Wilmington Delaware but in his garage.

Joe Biden’s White House has been speaking via legal counsel considering the specifically sensitive nature of this matter but Joe Biden recently went off script during a public appearance defending his actions and needless to say it did not go well.

During a back and forth with Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy, Joe Biden defended the security of his garage by saying that’s where he keeps his “Corvette.”

Check out their back and forth in the tweet below:

Not only is this an awful way to defend where someone would store their classified material, in a later tweet, the same account revealed what looks to be Joe Biden’s Corvette and potentially the garage that the classified materials were stored in.

It is unclear if the classified documents were located in this specific garage during the time of this picture which derives from a YouTube video from Joe Biden’s account which you can view below:

The White House has not confirmed key details about the documents handling or their contents but it appears to be bad enough to not give those details at this time.

Regardless of those essential details Joe Biden has once again put his foot in his mouth potentially confirming that he HIMSELF produced a video at the very garage where the materials were being held.

It truly does not get any worse than this as far as Joe Biden not knowing when to shut his mouth goes and this time he may face the consequences of these actions with legal repercussions…