WATCH: Netanyahu Lays Out Israel’s Next Steps In War Against Hamas: ‘We Have Hard Days Coming’
On Monday afternoon, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu laid out Israel’s strategic steps in the ongoing conflict with Hamas with a passionate address to the nation. In the speech, Netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment to the safety and prosperity of Israel, while warning of
“Israel is at war,” Netanyahu solemnly began. “We didn’t want this war. It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way. But though Israel didn’t start this war, Israel will finish it.”
Netanyahu’s address was not merely a call to arms but a delineation of the horrors visited upon the Israeli people. “They are savages. Hamas is ISIS. And just as the forces of civilization united to defeat ISIS, the forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating Hamas.”
Recounting the acts of Hamas, from the binding, burning, and execution of children to the massacres of civilians, Netanyahu painted a picture of an enemy that thrives on terror and chaos.
Throughout his political career, Netanyahu has been known for his hardline stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, often emphasizing security concerns over potential concessions to the Palestinians. He has also stressed the threat posed by Iran to Israel and the wider region, particularly in relation to Iran’s nuclear program.
It’s not just about the geographical confines of Israel, according to the Prime Minister. He expounded on the notion that Israel’s current struggle isn’t solely for its own sovereignty and safety. “In fighting Hamas, Israel is not only fighting for its own people,” Bibi said. “It is fighting for every country that stands against barbarism.”
In terms of strategic direction, Netanyahu was unequivocal. Operations against Hamas are set to intensify, a clear message that the present retaliations are merely the beginning of a broader campaign to neutralize the threat.
“There is no split within Israelis. Now we are all unified. The leadership also should be unified. I’m calling for unity, and I’m calling the opposition to have a national front, as we did during the Six-Day War. I confirm that we have started attacking Hamas.”
“The photos and pictures that you see from Hamas is just the beginning. We have killed many of those fighters. And I said that everyone, every place where Hamas is active and working will be completely destroyed and we will continue to intensify the operations.”
“I know that this will take time, but I promise you, dear citizens, that this battle will not end until we end and eliminate our enemy. There are a lot of battles that are going on, and we have a lot of heroes.”
As Netanyahu looked ahead, he acknowledged the sacrifices already made by Israeli citizens and soldiers and issued a somber warning of the challenges ahead. “We have hard days coming.”