WATCH: Parents And Far-Left Goons BRAWL At Protest Over Gender Ideologies In School
A protest by parents against LGBTQ education in California schools became an open street brawl after far-left Antifa protestors launched a counterdemonstration.
On Tuesday evening, a coalition of Armenian-American parents protested in front of a Glendale school board meeting against new policy changes they claimed are indoctrinating elementary students with LGBTQ messages during Pride Month. Antifa opponents to the protest quickly materialized, leading to shoving and fistfights that required 50 police officers to break up the chaos.
Armenian-American fathers came to the defense of their families, leading police to push back the crowd after it gained the upper hand on the Antifa counter-demonstrators.
Breaking: Glendale (CA) Police beat back the Armenian-American men who want to fight #Antifa outside the school board meeting. The immigrant families oppose pride celebrations in schools. Antifa, communists & far-left protesters gathered to support that. pic.twitter.com/QTMmKeNR95
— Andy Ngo
(@MrAndyNgo) June 7, 2023
Opposition to LGBTQ education in schools has erupted across the country as more and more parents begin voicing concerns over age-inappropriate sexual education for young and younger students. At a Muslim community demonstration in Maryland, men and mothers in hijabs raised signs and chanted in opposition to a move by local schools to remove “opt out” alternatives for families who do not want their children to participate in sex education antithetical to their religions.
Shouts of “protect our children” rang out amid handheld signs demanding the opt-in language be returned to school policy. Pro-LGBTQ groups countered the protest with their own, shouting “secular schools” in an attempt to muddy the message.
Consternation over how and when to introduce children to adult themes like gender and sexual orientation has reached beyond the classroom to companies like Target and Kohl’s where children’s clothes with LGBTQ themes are being sold during Pride Month. The ensuing backlash has cost both stores billions of dollars in market valuation and led to stock downgrades in a cautionary tale for corporations contemplating prioritizing value statements over basic customer service.
Celebrating Pride Month has become more public in recent years as both brands and educators work to build inclusivity into their operations. This year, the backlash began several months in advance when Bud Light partnered with a transgender social media influencer, a move that has cost the beer leader huge chunks of market valuation and led to outcries by celebrities, media personalities, and even members of Congress.
For years, higher education officials wrung their hands as transgender athletes like Lia Thomas began dominating competitions in their newly chosen gender categories. Attempts to adjust educational spaces for transgender students have encountered fierce pushback from parents and high school students as controversies began to engulf the younger grade levels.