WATCH: Tucker Exposes CNN Hosts As ‘Mouthpieces’ For Intel Agencies
In a recent episode of the Adam Carolla show, Tucker Carlson made a bold claim: several legacy media anchors, including Wolf Blitzer, are knowingly disseminating government propaganda from intelligence agencies.
Carlson began by questioning the credibility of Wolf Blitzer, a veteran CNN anchor. “Why would he say a bunch of stuff he doesn’t believe or he must know is untrue?” Carlson asked, referring to Blitzer’s coverage of COVID-19 and other subjects. “Why would he do it to his legacy?”
Carlson, who has worked with Blitzer in the past, went on to claim that intelligence agencies have a significant influence on what is broadcast on television and what appears on social media platforms like Facebook and Google. “I can think of a number of people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing,” Carlson said. “They’re reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly.”
The former Fox News host also singled out national security reporters, without naming names, accusing them of being mouthpieces for the Pentagon and the CIA. He cited instances where these reporters uncritically repeated claims from intelligence agencies, such as the allegation that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used poison gas against his own people. “There was no evidence it was true. None. Zero,” Carlson emphasized.
Carlson argued that this is not an isolated issue but a systemic one, affecting not just CNN but the entire media landscape. “People underestimate the degree to which the people sitting on the news, possibly even Wolf Blitzer, are repeating talking points from the intel agencies and doing it on purpose,” he said. “It’s scary, man. Really scary.”
Operation mockingbird was never fully disbanded.
— For An Audience Of ONE
(@Chris_Nich0ls) August 30, 2023
As if. @TuckerCarlson will be allowed to continue talking until his talk actually threatens the livelihood of someone with power. Then he will disappear. Congress is entirely corrupt. Yes, there are a handful of Congress critters with some integrity, but most are happy to…
— Remember God (@WriteInSatan) August 30, 2023
Wait until you find out his father was working for the CIA under Operation Mockingbird doing the exact same thing.
— Brad (@bradtherambler) August 30, 2023
Tucker is correct!
— Cat Ryan (@CatQuestionsAll) August 30, 2023
Wow…Tucker Carlson says CNN anchors are puppets for Intelligence Agencies…and those agencies also seem to have a grasp of Social Media. Is this now considered "social engineering" by the CIA or other agencies? Who gives them this authority to do as such?
— floridanow1 (@floridanow1) August 30, 2023