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IRS Official Confirms That U.S. Attorneys Blocked Weiss From Charging Hunter Biden



IRS agent has claimed that prosecutors in Washington D.C. and California intervened to block U.S. Attorney David Weiss — who has since been appointed as a special counsel overseeing the Hunter Biden investigation — from charging the First Son with more serious crimes. Waldon’s claims echo testimony given by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.

Waldon — who previously served as the head of the IRS’ Washington field office — testified before the House Ways and Means Committee in a closed-door interview earlier this month. A transcript of the interview was obtained by the Washington Examiner.

“Mr. Weiss went to the U.S. Attorney’s Office — I can’t recall the dates — and they did not agree to prosecute the case in D.C.,” Waldon told the committee.

Waldon was one of several officials from the IRS, FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware who attended an October 7, 2022 meeting that Shapley described as a “turning point” in the investigation. While Waldon did not dispute Shapley’s notes on the meeting, he did share his belief that the meeting was not quite as contentious as his former colleague described it.

“Generally, I didn’t find it to be as contentious as Mr. Shapley had stated,” Waldon said. “There were certainly differences of opinion expressed, but that’s typical.”

Waldon was above Shapley and his fellow IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler on the agency’s chain of command. He did not have involvement with the Hunter Biden investigation until it had already been underway for years, when he took over at the Washington field office.

Waldon did testify that he recalled conversations with Shapely in which the whistleblower felt he was blocked from pursuing certain aspects of the case, such as interviewing witnesses, including members of the Biden family, and the execution of at least one search warrant. He also stated that he did not agree with Shapley’s assessment that political bias was at play in making those decisions.

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He did not recall learning when the U.S. attorney in California — who was appointed by President Biden –decided not to allow Weiss to charge Hunter Biden in the district. Waldon did say that he believed the case was strong, however.

“Generally speaking, if at that time the case went to the Central District of California, I would’ve agreed with it,” Waldon.

The latest claims from Waldon back up previous testimony from another IRS agent, Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf, who told the committee that U.S. attorneys in California and Washington D.C. refused to partner with Weiss on charging Hunter Biden in their districts. This prevented Weiss from moving forward for months.

Both Shapley and Ziegler testified about the previously unknown involvement of the U.S. attorneys before Congress this past Spring.

Waldon also told the committee about Shapley’s ultimate removal from the case. “The U.S. Attorney’s Office was no longer working or talking with Mr. Shapley. And there was no immediate — I didn’t think that that would be resolved quickly,” Waldon said. “And in order to move the investigation forward, I recommended that, you know, he be removed so that we could continue to push the investigation forward.”

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has repeatedly claimed that Weiss had all the power necessary to bring charges against Hunter Biden. Testimony from four IRS special agents has placed Garland’s claims in doubt.