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WATCH: Even KJP Laughed At Peter Doocy’s Latest Biden Joke



In a light-hearted moment during Monday’s White House briefing, Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy posed a comedic question to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about whether President Biden would ever consider “pulling a fire alarm” to avoid a meeting.

The question elicited a chuckle from many present, including Jean-Pierre herself, who responded by saying she had not spoken to the president on the matter and declined to comment further.

The joke was grounded in a real and ongoing controversy on Capitol Hill. During this weekend, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) dipped in hot water after footage emerged of him pulling a fire alarm in the Cannon Building.

The incident led to the building’s evacuation mere hours before Congress was set to agree on a continuing resolution crucial for government funding.

Bowman’s actions drew sharp criticism from Republicans, with many demanding punitive action. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) didn’t mince words, labeling the episode an “embarrassment.” McCarthy voiced concerns about the precedent this might set if left unchecked, suggesting that the congressman was actively trying to disrupt official proceedings.

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In defense, Bowman’s office stated the alarm pull was unintentional, clarifying that the congressman was “rushing to make an urgent vote” and didn’t realize the consequences of his actions.

But this did little to douse the fiery criticism. Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) also pressed for Bowman to be prosecuted for Obstruction of an Official Proceeding – the same charge that has led to prison sentences for several January 6th Capitol protestors.