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NEW: McCarthy Hints At Congressional Investigation Into Botched Maui Response



House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has floated the possibility that Congress will begin an inquiry into the federal government’s handling of the devastating fires in Maui several weeks ago.

According to the Western Journal, Speaker McCarthy made off-the-cuff remarks during a trip to Syracuse, New York expressing concern for the Biden administration’s response and the slow reaction time by local officials which may have contributed to the spread of wildfires and loss of life. At least 115 bodies have been recovered and hundreds of residents from the village of Lahaina, which was most impacted, are still reported missing.

“We saw the devastation that happened in Maui. … I’m very concerned about the response. We still have hundreds of individuals that are missing. I think there’s going to have to be a congressional investigation into the response on Maui. How could you lose that many Americans?” asked McCarthy.

“So I am going to work with committees to look at investigating what went on so that never happens again,” he added.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a continual thorn in the side of the Biden White House, posted her support of Rep. McCarthy’s idea of a congressional inquiry, calling it “absolutely necessary” given the persistent failures of the administration during times of crisis.

President Joe Biden has stumbled badly in his early responses to the tragedy, promising a “whole of government” response but offering a glib “no comment” answer when asked by reporters about progress. As details began to leak out about unqualified officials throttling water supplies during the fire, the president again dodged answering questions about his administration’s response before jetting off for a vacation in Lake Tahoe.

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As the death toll mounted, the rising pressure forced the president off the beach and into a spontaneous trip to the island. Despite his gesture of concern for the victims, Biden took flack for possibly falling asleep at a ceremony and later telling a story comparing the tragedy to a kitchen fire he suffered decades ago that nearly took the life of his cherished 1967 Corvette. Residents of Maui have responded in kind, flipping the bird at the President’s motorcade as he traveled between events.