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Biden Falling FAR Behind Trump In These Key Swing States



The race for the White House is beginning to fall further away for its occupant as he has begun to badly trail former President Donald Trump in more than a half-dozen swing states that decided the outcome four years ago.

A new poll by Bloomberg and Morning Consult reveals President Joe Biden is behind Trump 43 percent to 47 percent among voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The poll of more than 5,000 registered voters has an error margin of just 1 percent.

Adding to his miserable results, Biden is 10 points behind Trump among independent voters in the seven swing states if third-party candidates were included and sits 8 points behind in a head-to-head matchup.

The topline results paint a stark portrait of the malaise gripping President Biden’s image and administration as they are weighed down by conflicts overseas while he battles a sluggish economy and a spiraling migration crisis back home. As partisan divides between red and blue states cement their expected outcomes on Election Day, a handful of swing states are expected to determine the outcome of a race where both Biden and Trump would carry significant baggage.

President Trump, however, is seeing his four criminal indictments overlooked by voters in places like Arizona, a state that narrowly voted for Biden in 2020 but now favors Trump by 4 points. In Georgia, another narrow win for Biden four years ago, President Trump’s lead has increased to 5 percent. Michigan, made up of a blue-purple mix of voters, was won by President Trump in 2016 and then flipped to Biden in 2020 by about a 3 percent margin. Today the two are statistically tied.

Further down in the poll, 51 percent of all swing state voters believe the economy was healthier under President Trump, who they trust over Biden 49 to 35 percent to better manage it. The divide among independents is even greater, where President Trump enjoys a chasmic 22 percent margin.

“Right now, Biden is not getting any credit for work he’s done on the economy,” said Caroline Bye, a pollster and vice president at Morning Consult. “Almost twice as many voters in the swing states are saying that Bidenomics is bad for the economy, as opposed to good for the economy, which is a really startling fact if you’re the Biden campaign.”

The war in Israel has added to President Biden’s dismal record overseas which included the chaotic final days of the war in Afghanistan, endless funding for the war in Ukraine, and a $6 billion payment to Iran which later funded the attack on Israel by Hamas. Respondents trusted President Trump more on both the war in Ukraine and U.S.-China relations.

The results of the poll mirror those previously finding President Trump leading President Biden by up to seven points.