Conservatives are taking aim at Netflix after spotting a new animated show that features two fathers applauding their young son for dancing around the house in a dress.
A clip from the gender-bending cartoon CoComelon Lane was circulating on X Wednesday morning and features the gay couple singing to their son to “just be you” while he dons a ballerina skirt and twirls around the room. The show, which debuted in November, is rated TV-Y and geared toward children ages two to six. JJ, the leading young boy, joins his friends through childhood experiences across nine episodes.
It is the most popular show for babies and toddlers on the behemoth streaming service.
Outrage to the clip was swift and unforgiving as conservatives called for customers to give Netflix the “Bud Light treatment” in response to the ostensibly inclusive cartoon series.
Netflix needs the full Bud Light treatment for this
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) December 20, 2023
It will never cease to amaze me how companies will to give a middle finger to their main audience to please the woke mob.
RIP Cocomelon.
— Jerod Frank (@Jerod_Frank) December 20, 2023
“They should change their name to Wokeflix,” replied one follower.
They should change their name as well to:
— Planet Of Memes (@PlanetOfMemes) December 20, 2023
So clearly social engineering at this stage.
— Sinjin Rutlish (@SinjinRutlish) December 20, 2023
CoComelon Lane on Netflix has a boy in a dress dancing for his gay dads
This is a show for toddlers.
Asking for that BudLight treatment?
— OutKick (@Outkick) December 20, 2023
Netflix would do well to heed the punishing boycotts of Disney which cost the company nearly $1 billion at the box office this year. Titles like “The Little Mermaid,” “Elementals,” and “Marvels” saw drastic underperformances as conservatives skipped the films for their storylines featuring nonbinary characters and all-female casts led by woke actresses like Brie Larson. The boycotts led conservative celebrities like Rob Schneider to pile on, ripping Disney for pushing “lunacy” on young children.
After nearly nine months of boycotts against Bud Light, market analysts have begun to incorporate anti-woke consumerism into their predictions about the health of Fortune 500 companies like Target, Kohl’s, and sports teams like the L.A. Dodgers, all of whom tangled at one point with angry mobs. Anheuser-Busch, the beer’s parent company, has begged distributors to keep its once-best-selling pilsner on the shelves through the holiday season with cash incentives and free beer for customers, among other offers.
Parents interested in alternatives to woke media outlets have the option of subscribing with Bentkey, a new streaming service launched by The Daily Wire earlier this year. The service, which starts at $99 per year, is far cheaper than Netflix or Disney+ and promises a smorgasbord of children’s programming without the social justice commentary.