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‘ISLAMOPHOBIC’: Rashida Tlaib Melts Down Over MTG’s Censure Resolution



Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) released a scathing statement on X Thursday accusing her colleague Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) of being “Islamophobic” for introducing a motion to censure the “Squad” member over her anti-Israel and anti-American statements as of late.

In a statement more befitting a wild-eyed activist than a statesman, Rep. Tlaib said Rep. Greene’s “unhinged resolution is deeply Islamophobic and attacks peaceful Jewish anti-war advocates.”

“I am proud to stand in solidarity with Jewish peace advocates calling for a ceasefire and an end to the violence,” she continued. “I will not be bullied, I will not be dehumanized, and I will not be silenced. I will continue to call for ceasefire, for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid, for the release of hostages and those arbitrarily detained, and for every American to be brought home.”

On Thursday, Rep. Greene told her followers on X that she introduced a resolution before the House calling for a formal censure of “Squad” member Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) over comments she made defending Hamas, criticizing Israel’s military operation following the recent deadly attack, and calling for a ceasefire that the Biden administration said would only embolden the Palestinian terrorist network.

“I introduced my censure resolution just a bit ago on the House floor censuring Rashida Tlaib. Rashida Tlaib is the most antisemitic, anti-American, anti-Israel member of Congress, and no member of Congress for the United States of America should hate Israel and hate America,” she stated plainly.

“This resolution will be voted on on the House floor next week, and I encourage all my Republican colleagues and Democrats to vote to censure Rashida Tlaib,” she added.

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Tlaib and other Squad members have ducked for cover since the onslaught of Hamas attacks against Israel. Reporter Hailey Vaughn with Fox Business has been stalking the halls of the Capitol, catching Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in compromising moments of silence as they refused to denounce the killing of children by the Palestinian terrorist organization. The pressure was too much for Omar who finally snapped at a recent press conference and accused the reporter of wishing all residents of Gaza were dead.