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MUST SEE: Greg Gutfeld Lays Out Strong Case For Why Trump Will Win The 2024 Election



Popular Fox News host Greg Gutfeld gave his hot take on former President Donald Trump, telling viewers that the farther the world gets from the 2020 election, the better the Republican presidential frontrunner is looking in next year’s expected contest with President Joe Biden.

From low inflation to the lack of a looming World War III, President Trump can run on a track record of the strong economy at home and peacetime bonhomie he enforced abroad, Gutfeld said.

“Weird and amazing: the further away we get from Trump 2020, the closer he gets to the White House in 2024. Everything that he’s done just looks better and better, between inflation, home prices, a hot war, a cold war, a broken border, decimated cities. It makes you dream of a strong country whose only problem was an intelligentsia plagued by mean tweets and crass jokes,” Gutfeld surmised.

“We lost Trump because the media preferred peace of mind over actual peace,” he snarked.


The no-good, horrible, very bad news cycles are piling up for President Biden, who Gutfeld said has to be worried about the prospect of facing Trump in the face of falling poll numbers among the general public and even Democrats. The latest fault line emerged in the wake of the Israel-Hamas conflict as a majority of Democrats now support Palestinians over Israelis and Biden faces deep skepticism from younger progressive voters about his face value for a second term.

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President Biden is personally aggrieved by the prospect that he is simply too old for a second term. The 80-year-old incumbent will finish his first term as the oldest-ever U.S. president and would finish a second term at the geriatric age of 86. He is already suffering from a plethora of senior moments where he publicly loses his train of thought, gets lost on the way to meetings, and stumbles in made-for-TV moments that recycle endlessly in the 24-hour social media news cycle. His handlers have outfitted the president with special shoes and smaller staircases in a bid to keep him from taking the nasty spills that have left voters uneasy about the prospect of a free world leader who regularly falls asleep on the job.